Ronit Ricci

Language and stories in human lives and literature

Nine-arch bridge in Sri Lanka

 ?? Ronit Ricci

Ronit Ricci holds the Sternberg-Tamir Chair in Comparative Cultures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is Associate Professor of Asian Studies at the School of Culture, History and Language at the Australian National University.

Her research interests include Islamic literary cultures in the Indonesian-Malay world and Sri Lanka, Javanese and Malay manuscript literatures, the history of exile in colonial Asia, and translation studies.

Ricci's book, Islam Translated: Literature, Conversion, and the Arabic Cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia, won the 2012 Harry Benda Prize in Southeast Asian Studies and the 2013 American Academy of Religion's Best First Book in the History of Religions Award. She is the  editor of Exile in Colonial Asia: Kings, Convicts, Commemoration (2016), and co-editor of Translation in Asia: Theories, Practices, Histories (2011, with Jan van der Putten), and Contentious Belonging: The Place of Minorities in Indonesia (2019, with Greg Fealy).

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