Inspiring Deep Learning with Metacognition

A Guide for Secondary Teaching

Nathan Burns ,

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Inspiring Deep Learning with Metacognition: A Guide for Secondary Teaching

About the eBook

Understand what metacognition is and how you can apply it to your secondary school teaching to support deep and effective learning in your classroom.

Metacognition is a popular topic in teaching and learning debates, but it’s rarely clearly defined and can be difficult for teachers to understand how it can be applied in the classroom. This book offers a clear introduction to applying metacognition in secondary teaching, exploring the ‘what’, ‘when/how’ and ‘why’ of using metacognition in classrooms with real life examples of how this works in practice.

This is a detailed and accessible resource that offers guidance that teachers can start applying to their own lesson planning immediately, across secondary subjects.

Nathan Burns is the founder of @MetacognitionU and has written metacognitive teaching resources for TES and Oxford University Press. He is Head of Maths in a Derbyshire school.
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