Essential Subject Knowledge for Primary Teaching

Nasreen Majid ,

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Essential Subject Knowledge for Primary Teaching

About the eBook

As a trainee teacher you have a huge amount to grapple with when it comes to developing expertise in the suite of subjects within the primary national curriculum. Subject knowledge cannot be developed in isolation, it must relate to the curriculum knowledge and pedagogical knowledge, enabling ways to teach the subject with confidence. This book takes you though a journey of the national curriculum, supporting you to think about each subjects’ positioning within the national curriculum, the subject knowledge you need to know and how to teach each subject in a creative way. Highlighting the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion across all chapters, this book enables new teachers to bring new voices and perspectives to the classroom. It includes:

·        Key subject knowledge.

·        Examples of sequenced lessons.

·        Classroom ideas.

·        Links to further learning and subject associations.

·        A chapter exploring the subject knowledge needed to teach sustainability and climate change.

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