An Introduction to Data Science With Python

Jeffrey S. Saltz ,

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An Introduction to Data Science With Python

About the eBook

An Introduction to Data Science with Python by Jeffrey S. Saltz and Jeffery M. Stanton provides readers who are new to Python and data science with a step-by-step walkthrough of the tools and techniques used to analyze data and generate predictive models. After introducing the basic concepts of data science, the book builds on these foundations to explain data science techniques using Python-based Jupyter Notebooks. The techniques include making tables and data frames, computing statistics, managing data, creating data visualizations, and building machine learning models. Each chapter breaks down the process into simple steps and components so students with no more than a high school algebra background will still find the concepts and code intelligible. Explanations are reinforced with linked practice questions throughout to check reader understanding. The book also covers advanced topics such as neural networks and deep learning, the basis of many recent and startling advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence. With their trademark humor and clear explanations, Saltz and Stanton provide a gentle introduction to this powerful data science tool.

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